The Digital Landscape Of College Search

While many colleges desire to move away from antiquated methods of recruitment, the truth is simply adapting to new methods might not be enough. This is directly related to the fact that every other college is also moving away from traditional recruitment techniques and onto new technologically driven ones. With more and more colleges moving to social media applications like TikTok to try and make candid content surrounding their school, even users can feel how saturated this form of content has become. Not only is there an overabundance of it, some of it feels particularly forced in such a way that many aspiring college students are able to deem it ingenuine and thus will not yield nearly as much influence as a college would hope. Though there are plenty of factors that determine how successful this content can be for a college or university, the most important is that it remains authentic. As previously mentioned, aspiring college students that spend time on an application like TikTok see plenty of staged and otherwise disingenuous content in other niches of the app, meaning they can spot this content, even if provided by a college, from a mile away. While genuine content is imperative, another important element of successful content on this platform is that it must be exciting and attention grabbing, able to compel a student within the first ten or so seconds of the video. With an overabundance of content to parse through, colleges need to be prepared to provide meaningful content for aspiring students to view. For more information on the ways in which college marketers and recruiters are doing so, continue reading on to the infographic highlighted alongside this post for some more valuable information.

The Digital Landscape Of College Search provided by Encoura, one of the premier choices in undergraduate digital marketing

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